A DRUG user ‘self-medicated’ on heroin, cannabis and diazepam after injuring his hand, a court heard.

Simon Keith, 50, of West Crescent, pleaded guilty to possessing the drugs when he appeared before Darlington Magistrates’ Court today (Tuesday, March 19).

Prosecutor John Garside said police stopped and searched Keith in Darlington on January 23 and found £30 worth of heroin in his pocket and later searched his home where they discovered the cannabis and diazepam tablets.

Mitigating, John Clish said Keith had been experiencing bad times which included the death of his dog, the theft of his bike and suffering a ‘nasty’ injury to his hand which needed hospital treatment.

“He bought the drugs in a way to self-medicate himself because he found that easier than travelling to hospital for further medication,” said Mr Clish.

Keith was given a 12-month conditional discharge by magistrates.