A MOTHER-of-four caught red-handed stealing from a Darlington pub was too drunk to remember her crime, a court heard.

Kelly Ward, 28, of Dickinson Street, Darlington, admitted burgling the Copper Beech pub on Neasham Road when she appeared before Darlington Magistrates’ Court today (Tuesday, March 19).

Prosecutor, John Garside, said that the landlord of the Copper Beech heard noises from the rear of the pub at about 3.30pm on March 6 and went to investigate.

He found Ward with armfuls of biscuits she had taken from the stockroom and when he later watched the pub’s CCTV he saw that she had returned to the building three or four times, stealing a total of £250 worth of food.

Mr Garside said: “She had been under the influence of strong Oranjeboom lager so couldn’t remember well.

“She couldn’t remember the specifics.

“When asked if it was true she went in the pub three or four times she said ‘it must be, because the food was in my house’.”

Ward also pleaded guilty to stealing £46 worth of food and fabric conditioner from Sainsbury’s on February 2.

Mo Sibert, of the Probation Service, described Ward’s life as “a sad tale” with a history of abusive relationships.

She said none of Ward’s four children were in her care and she struggled with ongoing heroin and alcohol addictions.

“She has moved from Hartlepool, to Middlesbrough, to Newton Aycliffe, to Darlington to get away and start afresh,” said Ms Sibert.

“She is now on the move again away from Darlington, she has got herself in with a bad crowd in Darlington, in her own words there is no hiding place.”

Magistrates imposed a six-month supervision order with a drug rehabilitation requirement, and presiding magistrate, Barbara Carter, told Ward it was her chance to sort her life out.

She was also ordered to pay £296.73 compensation.

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