A SENIOR police official has pledged to make reducing domestic abuse a priority, following a visit to a women’s refuge in the region.

Durham police and crime commissioner, Ron Hogg, met with members of the Darlington Domestic and Sexual Abuse Network last week.

He spoke to victims before attending a networking session with some of the 30 agencies who attended the meeting.

Mr Hogg, who was elected as Durham’s first police and crime commissioner in November last year, said: “I had not visited a refuge before. I am pleased to have had the opportunity to visit and talk to residents, this will help me make positive changes and developments to police services.”

Residents in the refuge reacted positively to the visit. One said: “I told him that every victim’s journey is different, we just want to be believed, supported and helped,” while another added: “I think he will stand up for victims and develop police responses.”

Mr Hogg added: “I was pleased to have been invited along to the meeting. The work that is being carried out is brilliant and when it comes to domestic abuse, I fully support the work of local agencies.”