CHILDREN from Darlington's Mount Pleasant Primary School were walked to school by Winston Churchill.

Around 150 pupils took part in the WWII themed walk, which was led by a man dressed as Winston Churchill, as part of Darlington Borough Council’s MEGA Motion campaign to get more children walking to school.

The theme was suggested by year five and six pupils, who also dressed as evacuees, because they have recently studied the war. They entered a regional competition where the prize was to have a member of Mega Motion come down in costume to lead the walk.

Karen Bateman, a year three teacher who took part in the walk on Friday (March 8), said: “I was really proud because the competition was open to all the primary schools in Darlington.

"Over half of the school did the walk, despite the rain: true English spirit!”

They were one of ten schools to be chosen with other themes including Walking with Dinosaurs and Superheroes.