A KIND-HEARTED businesswoman whose own experience of a hospice has prompted her to set up a florists to provide flowers for people who die alone.

After seeing the work done by St Teresa's Hospice when her late husband used the charity, Beth Bainbridge decided to set up her shop, Elizablooms, in Duke Street, Darlington, to donate funeral flowers to the hospice for people who die with no relatives.

The 37-year-old said: “The staff and the support network were absolutely fantastic and since then I have wanted to give something back to them.

“We are all wrapped up in our own worlds and sometimes people are forgotten about, so I wanted to do something for those people who get forgotten or have no relatives around when they die.”

Hospice director, Jane Bradshaw, said: "Beth's kind gesture to honour the memory of people who may not have any surviving close relatives is appreciated by all at St Teresa's Hospice. We are delighted to be benefitting from Beth's open evening, and we wish her well in her new business venture."

A free open evening will be held at the shop on Wednesday, November 22 from 6pm to raise funds for the hospice.

A week in a holiday apartment in Turkey donated by Darlington resident, Jayne D’silva will be auctioned, as well as a charity raffle and champagne on arrival.

Ms Bainbridge also provides a bespoke flower service for weddings, funerals and other occasions, for more information visit elizablooms.co.uk

Elizablooms florist and coffee shop is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, and Saturday, 9am to 3pm.