PARISH MEETING: A special meeting of Neasham Parish Council will be held tomorrow (Monday, November 5) to discuss bus services. Anybody who will be affected by the loss of the number 20 Scarlet Band service in December is asked to attend the meeting at the Reading Rooms in Neasham at 7pm.

SURGERY DATES: Ward members for Mowden, councillors Bill Stenson and Ron Lewis, will hold a surgery tomorrow (Monday, November 5) at Mowden Junior School, in Conyers Avenue, Darlington, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

Marjory Knowles and John Vasey, ward members for Harrowgate Hill, are also holding a ward surgery on Tuesday, November 6 from 7pm until 9pm at Longfield School, in Longfield Road, Darlington. 

PACT MEET: The next meeting of the Park West police and communities together (PACT) group will take place at Harewood House, in Harewood Hill, Darlington, on Wednesday, November 7 between 5pm and 6pm.