A DARLINGTON man caught housing a stolen £4,300 mountain bike told police he had no idea it had been taken in a garage raid.

Steven Grebby, 40, was found with the Scott Spark Team Edition bicycle at his home in Hargreave Terrace, on July 20, when officers carried out a search of his property.

Darlington Magistrates’ Court was told the bicycle had been taken from a garage in Darlington on July 5.

David Maddison, prosecuting, said: “Grebby said a man came to his house and asked him to look after the bike.

“He knew him and assumed that he would get something for looking after it.”

However, the court heard Grebby, who admitted handling stolen goods, firmly believed the bike was not stolen and that the man would return for it.

Graham Hunsley, mitigating, said Grebby, who is suffering from a serious heart infection, regretted his part in the incident.

He said: “He realised there was something wrong but had had no knowledge of the bike being stolen.

“His concerns were more about the man who left it with him who had a lot of ready money.

“It wasn’t the origin of the bike he thought dishonest, but the origin of the money.”

The bike has since been returned to its owner and magistrates gave Grebby an 18-month conditional discharge.