A FORMER heroin addict has been fined after police raided his home and found a large quantity of drugs.

Gary Spence, 41, of Lodge Street, Darlington, was found with amphetamines, cannabis resin and a small cannabis plant when police searched his property on August 29.

Darlington Magistrates’ Court heard Spence plead guilty to having 68.9 grams of amphetamine and 11.9 grams of cannabis resin and a cannabis plant, which he said he used as a substitute for methadone to ease his heroin addiction.

Graham Hunsley, mitigating, said: “His drug dependency started with heroin but he became free for a good number of years.

“When a relationship broke down he relapsed, but, worried where that would lead, he began self-medicating by using amphetamines.

“He sees amphetamines as less pernicious and while he does not pretend everything is rosy in the garden, his drug use is better than it was.

“This was only ever for his own personal use.”

Magistrates fined Spence £73 and ordered the forfeiture of the drugs.