A CHARITY club night and a Darlington bingo venue have raised over £3,000 for a local youngster with a terminal brain disease.

The Big ‘D’ Country and Western Club in Cockerton Club, recently staged night of entertainment for nine-year-old Kyran Richmond of Chilton, County Durham, who suffers from Juvenile Batten Disease.

The event raised £1,500 for Kyran's trust fund and £300 for Darlington’s Social Club for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Several days later, Darlington’s Gala Bingo donated £1,550 to Kyran’s fund after organising several fundraising events at the venue.

Kyran was diagnosed with Juvenile Batten Disease in March last year and also suffers from an eye disease which means he has lost most of his sight.

Juvenile Batten sufferers have a reduced life expectancy and can lose the ability to eat, walk and talk.

Since his diagnosis, Kyran's family and friends have worked hard to raise awareness of the disease which, because of its rarity, does not benefit from government or NHS research funding.