A POSTAL worker has been banned from the roads for a year after wrongly believing he had sobered up enough to drive.

Darlington Magistrates’ Court heard today (Thursday, October 25) that Philip Joy, 25, had been drinking in Darlington on October 13 and planned to stay over at a friend’s house on Duke Street.

He stayed there for several hours and did not drink anymore before decided to drive home to Hurworth Road in Hurworth Place in the early hours.

Police stopped him on Uplands Road and a roadside breath test revealed Joy was more than twice over the legal drink drive limit with 73mg of alcohol in his breath. The legal limit is 35mg.

Joy, who works part time at the Royal Mail depot in Darlington, pleaded guilty to drink driving and was disqualified from driving for 12-months and ordered to pay £40 towards court costs.