LABOUR shadow policing minister David Hanson joined the party’s Durham Police Crime Commissioner candidate on the campaign trail in Darlington.

Mr Hanson accompanied candidate Ron Hogg on a tour round the town centre today (October 25) after a private briefing at Darlington police station where they listened to the concerns of staff.

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) will be introduced in November to replace the existing police authorities and will be responsible for setting the police budget and overseeing the work of chief constables, among other things.

The public will vote on the appointments on November 15 and Mr Hogg, a former deputy chief constable with both the Cleveland and Durham forces believes his experience would serve him well in the role.

He said: “It is up to the communities as to whom they vote for, but I feel that I have got the skills to readily transfer into the job; setting budgets, setting policing plans, and I know what needs to be done to make things happen.”

Mr Hanson, who travelled up from Westminster for the day to support Mr Hogg, said: “We need to have a very strong focus on neighbourhood policing, we have been out on patrol with PCs and PCSOs and I think police visibility is key not only to prevent crime, but also to reassure members of the community.”

The other candidates for the PCC role are for Durham Police are; Nick Varley, Conservative; Kingsley Smith, Independent; and Mike Costello, UKIP.