RESIDENTS and organisations are being asked to nominate young people in Darlington for an award recognising youngsters who commit their time to helping others, despite what life has thrown at them.

The Vibe Awards 2013 has been organised by Darlington Council with Darlington Building Society to recognise and acknowledge the work of young people across the borough who may have had a tough start to life or find things, at home, school or in life in general a challenge.

The theme of this year’s awards is ‘striving for the best’ and any young person aged ten to 19 can be nominated in one of the following categories:

• contribution to the wider community (for time given voluntarily)

• contribution to youth (for time given voluntarily)

• achievement against the odds in life

• achievement against the odds in sport

• achievement against the odds in the arts

• achievement against the odds in learning.

All young people nominated will receive an award at the Vibe Award ceremony which will be held at the Darlington Civic Theatre in March 2013.

Youth MP Emily O’Hara and deputy youth MP Jack Sowerby will be the comperes for the evening.

This is the 18th Vibe Awards and over the years hundreds of local young people have received awards in recognition of their achievements and contribution to our communities.

Councillor cabinet member for children and young people, Cyndi Hughes said: “The Vibe awards are our chance to formally and publicly thank the many young people out there who work hard to improve their own lives and the lives of others in our community.

“Many of the achievements and successes of the young people we honour at these awards would be awe-inspiring and uplifting at any age, but because they have been accomplished at such a young age make them even more phenomenal.”

Darlington Building Society chief executive, David Dodd, said: “There are many young people throughout Darlington whose achievements and endeavours deserve to have some official recognition and the Vibe Awards are a great way of turning the spotlight on what they are doing to make a difference in their own lives or the lives of others.”

Any young performers or groups who would like to showcase their talent on stage at the Awards event in March can call the Vibe team on 01325-406160.

Nomination forms and more information about the awards and categories are available on the Vibe Awards 2013 section of

You can also e-mail or call 07903 825549 / 01325 406610 for a copy of the form. Nominations can be made throughout November.