A TEAM of flu prevention specialists took to the streets of Darlington to spread the word about the free annual jab available to those at serious risk of catching the bug.

The NHS North-East ‘Flu Safe Squad’ visited Asda, in Whinfield Road, on Wednesday (October 24), to remind those in at-risk groups that they should get the jab.

The team will be travelling around the region in the build-up to peak cold and flu season.

Dr Tricia Cresswell, deputy medical director at NHS North-East, said: “Flu is not just a cold – it can be a really serious illness for some people and it doesn’t just affect older people.

“If you’re pregnant, have lowered immunity or a long term health condition such as severe asthma, a chest or heart complaint, or diabetes then you should also get a free flu jab from your GP and get flu safe.

“The flu jab is safe, and it can’t give you flu. It is particularly important that children with serious underlying conditions get the flu jab as they are at higher risk complications with flu.”

For more information, speak to your GP or pharmacist, or visit nhs.uk/flu (CORR)