A BARISTA was quite literally jumping for joy as she star jumped for three hours to raise funds for a national children’s charity.

Becky Middleton, who works at Starbucks in Darlington, star jumped and jogged on the spot continuously to raise money for the Sunny Days Children’s Fund, which helps youngsters with serious illnesses.

The 24-year-old from Newton Aycliffe has so far raised £86 for the charity, which it will use to help a 13-year-old boy who has Acute Myeloid Leukaemia – a form of cancer that is fatal within weeks if left untreated.

Miss Middleton, who also studies at Teesside University, said: “I was shattered afterwards. I started off really well but the last 20 minutes was a real killer.

“Some customers who didn’t know what I was doing gave me some funny looks – they thought I was just impatiently waiting for my coffee.

“I’m really glad I did it though. Thomas has to be kept in hospital in isolation as he keeps getting infections so we were hoping to help raise enough money so he can go home for Christmas.”

Anybody wishing to help Miss Middleton’s fundraising can call into Starbucks on Queen Street, in Darlington.