By Kristy Dawson 

A TUTOR at Darlington College has scooped a national award.

Ali Wright was named Keyfund facilitator of the year  for her role as a Pathways tutor.

With almost 1,000 volunteer Keyfund facilitators in the UK, Ms Wright was one of only five to win the award, recognising her work with young people at the college.

She was presented with the honour by Hannah Underwood, chief executive officer for Keyfund, at a presentation evening in Newcastle.

The 53-year-old said: “It is lovely to have won the award. I am really touched and really proud.

“I think Keyfund is marvellous and encourages young people to go further then they ever thought they could.

“We have people doing some fantastic things at Darlington College and they make me proud every time.”

As part of her work as a volunteer Pathways tutor, Ms Wright helps students organise and control their own projects, helping them with literacy, numeracy, budgeting and health and safety skills.

Once a project is completed, students can then go on to apply for up to £2,000 to fund more projects which will benefit the community.

James McElheran, 18, is one of her level three Keyfund students Darlington College.

He said: “It is great Ali won the award. She deserves it and I am really pleased for her.”