AN ADDITIONAL £1.6m investment is to beused to increase the level of NHS dental services in the areas with high demand for services and the most disadvantaged areas of County Durham, where dental heal this poorer.

The PCT is aware that some people living in the Durham City area have had difficulties in finding an NHS dentist, which is why a significant part of the increased investment will be used to expand some existing services and develop new ones in the area. Other areas where services will be increased are Stanley, Chester-le-Street, Framwellgate Moor, Brandon/Meadowfield, Coxhoe and Seaham.

“This is intended as the first phase of additional investment into dental health in response to a PCT study in dicating that more capacity is required to reduce waiting times,”said Cameron Ward, Director of Commissioning and Market Development.

“Over the course of the next few months, as access increases, it will be easier for the public to make routine dental appointments. Further expansions are anticipated in other areas infuture years.”

David Landes, Deputy Director of Public Health, added: “The Primary Care Trust is committed to improving access to NHS dental services for local people.The £1.6m extra investment will be used in areas of high dental need or with a lower level of NHS dental service, and will help many local people who previously had problems securing NHS dentalcare.”

The PCT has also been working with local people and partners in the Easington area to find out what the most significant barriers to accessing dental treatment are in the local area.

The PCT was told by people inthe Easington area that the biggest barriers are the perceived cost of dental treatment, the lack of knowledge about the new charging system, fear and anxiety, restricted practice opening hours and transport issues.

“The Easington District has significant levels of dental disease,” said David.

“We can help to improve dental health by encouraging people to attend a dentist, particularly in areas with a low utilisation rate at present, and by increasing primary care dental services in areas of deprivation.”

As a result of work withlocal people, the PCT is piloting a campaign in the Easington area.

This includes distributing leaflets and posters which give the location and contact details of local NHS dental practices, and prices of NHS dental treatment according to the banding system used in the new dental contract. The leaflet also includes advice on obtaining help with dental costs and reasons for visiting a dental professional.

Additional investment is also being made to reduce the waiting times in orthodontics (thetreatment of ‘wonky’ teeth, mainly in children), which has been a historic problem in County Durham. Additional facilities were made available last year and there will be further expansion this year, too.