AT THEIR last meeting, the current Darlington PCT board members recalled their milestones and successes, hailing the new facilities put in place over the past four years and the trust’s achievement in earning the coveted three-star status.

From Sunday, Darlington PCT will officially start working alongside a newly formed County Durham PCT. Non-executive directors have agreed to stay on, but the PCT is likely to have a changed management structure.

PCT chairwoman, Sandra Pollard, who is stepping down to pursue other interests, told the board: “This is the last time we will meet, so this is a historic time in our short history. We have been a good team. Being chairwoman has been an amazing experience for me. It has been a huge role and I feel we have achieved a lot.”

Planning Manager Greg Burke outlined some of the highlights of the year, including the popular Dr Piper House walk-incentre’s first birthday, the opening of Park Place Health Centre and the new Hundens Lane Rehabilitation Centre.

“A host of services in Darlington have been revitalised and the PCT has gone from strength to strength,” he said.

The group also looked back on the launch of a diabetes service which would help 20,000 people, and the flu vaccination uptake reaching 76.4per cent of the over-65 population.

Chief Executive Colin Morris thanked Mrs Pollard for her efforts and announced Ken Greenfield, of the defunct EasingtonPCT, as the new chairman.

“It is with great sadness that the organisation will be moving into this new world without Sandra,”he said.“The difficult times we are experiencing should never be allowed to detract from the fact we have performed to a very high standard over the past four-and-a-half years, during which time we have made some significant achievements.”