COLIN Morris, the former Chief Executive of DarlingtonPCT, was at the cutting edge of the development of Primary Care Trusts, heading the authority in Darlington and overseeing its successes.

“Central to the success of Darlington PCT was the fact it was accessible, accountable and provided personalised services,” he said.

“Staff liked being part of something smaller and bespoke, andthepublic couldaccess us directly through Doctor Piper House.

“We developed good relationships with the local authority, which stopped duplication of services and worked to improve clinical engagement, getting quite a few GPs more actively involved.

“Tangible successes include the development of the walk-in centre, thedermatological and minor surgery unit, improved retinal screening and palliative care services,Park Place and Hundens Lane redevelopment andaveryactivePublic Health team.

“The era also saw marked progress in smoking cessation, teenage pregnancy issues, mental health matters and drug and alcohol services.

“Looking at the challengesahead, Iwishthe CCGs every success. It willbe a steeplearning curve and a tough job.

Hospital mortality rates have placed the focus on the NHS and public expectationsare high at a time when resources have never been tighter.

“The new-look NHS willhave to be more efficient and more effective than ever before.”