WE CERTAINLYdidn’t underestimate the challenge facing us when wemergedfive Primary Care Trusts in County Durham, each with diverse populations, financial challenges and very different health needs.

“In 2006, following the government’sCommissioningaPatientLed NHS, two PCTs were created in our region, joining together Derwentside, Durham Dales, Durham andChester-le-Street,Easingtonand Sedgefield with Darlington remaining as a standalone.

“From day one we were encouraged to work collaboratively under thecloseleadershipofour twochairpersons – Lady Ann Calman in Durham and Ken Greenfield in Darlington – both of whom recognised theneed tomake the bestuse of our combinedresourcesforthebenefitof our patients.

“For me, the tone for thePCT was set at our very first board meeting, in Durham, when the then director of public health, Tricia Cresswell, highlighted the health inequalities across our patch.

“With the average life expectancy for men living in our most deprived areas being 12 years lower than for those living in more affluent parts, and the statistic for women almost asstark,wewantedtolevelthingsup to ensure that people across the whole of the county were given the sameopportunitiesforbetterhealth.

Thissetthescenefordevelopingour culture and way of working, giving us a clear focus on delivery and developing our staff to be innovative and work in partnership with other agencies.

“Throughoutherleadership,Lady Ann Calman has always supported staff and placed a strong focus on health improvement. Another passion has been her steering of the boardtoensure strongdevelopment and her insistence that the organisation be held to account. She has been a constant driver in a time of change when there has been immense pressure onPCTs to deliver.

“LadyAnnwastheformerchairof Durham and Chester-le-Street PCT and has helped to lead the way through a number of changes within the NHS, including Shifting the Balance ofPower, Commissioning a Patient Led NHS, World Class Commissioning, QUIPP, Transforming Community Services, and the separation of commissioning and provision.

“In 2010, a review of the management structurecreatedonemanagement team across County Durham and Darlington, merging the two PCTsandbringingLadyAnnandMr Greenfield together as Chair and Vice Chair of County Durham and Darlington NHS Primary Care Trust.

“I think the way Lady Ann and Kenhaveworkedsowelltogetherreflects the way we have worked as a PCT.Wehavegoneonajourneyfrom 2006 – fromtwo clusters to one – and the board dynamics at both executiveandnon-executivelevelshavealways remained incredibly positive.

“The majority of the highlights and successes which you will see in this celebration edition, are the impactsthatthePCThashadonhealth – especially in the reduction of cancer, mortality and cardiovascular disease and improvements to our stroke, sexualhealthandrespiratory services.

“We are rated as one of the top PCTs in the country for making significantinvestmentsinpublic health.Ourpartnershipworking and approach to lean methodology has resulted in efficiency savings and better value for money through smarter commissioning.

“AsaPCT,wehavemadeasignificant investment inour capital, with threenewurgentcarecentresinSeaham,PeterleeandStanleyandanew communityhospitalinBarnardCastle. We have also made significant changes in improving secondary care services.

“Our financial position has been strongfromdayoneandwehavedeveloped clinical champions to lead innovation and new ways of working.

“InpartnershipwithTeessideUniversity, we have developed training programmes for all staff, becoming the firstPCTinthe country to build our own modules for training in the workplace.

“We have also worked with the newClinicalCommissioningGroups by setting up a partnership-based transition board to help them to develop a clear commissioning strategyandstrongfinancialmanagement and to retain a passion and focus on improving health and reducing inequalities for our population.

“The legacy that County Durham and Darlington NHS Primary Care Trust will leave behind will be its strong resource base, strategic position and efficient way of working.

“It will also be remembered for its strong, competent leaders, steered from the top by Lady Ann Calman and her passion for improving the health and wellbeing of the population of County Durham and Darlington.”