DOCTORS in Darlington have outlined their five year plan to invest £130m in the future of local healthcare.

Following a rigorous national assessment process, Darlington CCG will take over full responsibility for the planning and purchasing of health services for its 1000,000 residents from the Primary Care Trust next month.

CCG Chair, Dr Andrea Jones, said: “Darlington has a number of significant health challenges, both in terms of poor health outcomes and high levels of inequality.

“This is demonstrated by the staggering fact that the average life expectancy for men living in the most deprived areas of Darlington is more than 13 years lower than for those living in the more affluent wards – and the statistic for women is almost as stark.

“We also face the prospect of having to address the healthcare needs of a local population in which there will be a significantly increased proportion of elderly people and a definite increase in the number of people suffering from long-term conditions such as diabetes, dementia and respiratory disease.

“The challenge for us is to use our healthcare budget in the most efficient and effective way, shaped around the needs of local people, to give patients a good experience of health services and the best possible health outcomes.

“The whole concept of a CCG is that it is clinically driven.

“As healthcare professionals we have an understanding based on daily contact and regular informal and formal feedback from our patients of the service that they need and want, as well as what we have to do to address those needs.

“What we must always remember is that we are advocates for our patients and are not there to ration healthcare.”

Martin Phillips, Chief Officer for Darlington CCG, confirmed the priority given to the voice of local people.

“The CCG recognises it is vital we engage with local people, listen carefully and involve people in developing and making decisions with us about health services in Darlington,” he said.

“Only by working together with patients, the public and our partner organisations can we succeed in improving the health and wellbeing of Darlington.”