Now that she has a lovely figure to show off, slimmer Liberty Horner has developed a passion for making shapely Fifties-style dresses

LIBERTY HORNER had always dreamed of making her own dresses, but taking her measurements and buying the fabric always filled her with dread. During her weight loss journey, she signed up to a dress-making and since losing weight has developed a passion for creating fabulous Fifties-style dresses.

By the beginning of last year, Liberty had gained so much weight she was classed as obese and felt as though she had hit rock bottom. “I was so unhappy about my weight I stopped buying clothes and socialising with my friends as I was self-conscious of my size,” says the 25-year-old.

Liberty had studied food science and nutrition at Northumbria University and was frustrated and ashamed that she was piling on the pounds while spending three years learning about healthy eating and nutrition. When she decided to act, she researched into a number of diets. “I loved the fact that Slimming World encouraged healthy eating in line with what I had learnt at university and promoted calcium rich foods, which is very important for young women,” she says.

Now two stones lighter, she has trained as a consultant for Slimming World. “Obesity is becoming such a huge issue across the UK. When I first joined Slimming World as a member, I never dreamed that I would end up helping other people to lose weight but now I just can’t wait to get started,” she says. “It’s a privilege for me to be able to pass on the experience, insight and understanding that helped me, so that I can give my members the support they need to get to their target weight.

“I’m too much of a foodie to go on restrictive diets, but I never felt as though I was on a diet. The eating plan encourages you to eat lots of filling foods like pasta, rice, potatoes and lean meat and fish, so you are never hungry and no foods are banned. I couldn’t believe I’d found a way to lose weight without starving myself.”

Liberty loves socialising with her friends, which often involves food, but making smart choices in restaurants meant she didn’t feel as though she was missing out. And her infamous burger nights became legendary; little did her friends know that they were eating Slimming World-friendly treats. “Friends and family were amazed by the culinary creations I was eating and still losing weight,” she says.

  • Liberty’s Slimming World group will be held at All Saints Church Hall, in Dunnotar Road, Eaglescliffe, every Wednesday at 7:30pm from June 5. Either pop along or call her on 07525-943400
  • For more information on Slimming World, visit or call 0844-897-8000.