THE father of missing chef Claudia Lawrence will take his appeal for information outside England for the first time to mark seven months since her disappearance.

Peter Lawrence will hand out leaflets to commuters at Waverley station, in Edinburgh, on Friday.

Posters appealing for information about the 35-year-old, from York, who has not been seen since March 18, will be displayed in the station, as well as in Glasgow Central station.

Mr Lawrence, a solicitor, believes his daughter could be anywhere in the UK or abroad.

His spokesman, Martin Dales, said: “For 200 days now, Peter has thought that, back in March, Claudia probably took a lift with someone she knew or vaguely knew.

“He believes she is being held against her will and that she could be anywhere in the UK or abroad, given the 36-hour gap before anyone spotted she had disappeared.

“Although he finds it very hard, emotional and painful to talk about Claudia, he is determined to keep her name in the public’s mind at this difficult time and he will be asking the people of Scotland to be vigilant for suspicious activity wherever they may be.”

Police fear she may have come to harm and her disappearance is being treated as suspected murder.

Detectives investigating Miss Lawrence’s disappearance say they are trying to trace a number of her former partners.

The Sunday Times reported that Miss Lawrence, whose mother Joan is from Darlington, had up to 12 sexual partners in the past five years.

Detective Superintendent Ray Galloway, who is leading the investigation, told the newspaper: “Claudia was the kind of person who would sustain a friendship or relationship, some of which developed into sexual relationships.

“We continue to trace these people, some of whom have been reluctant to talk to us.”

Police focus on Miss Lawrence’s private life had led to a string of allegations, about possible relationships, in the national press.

Mr Galloway said: “Claudia’s a 35-year-old single woman.

“She had a number of lovers, but it’s nothing like the figures that have been bandied about.”

Anyone with information as to Miss Lawrence’s whereabouts are asked to call police, on 0845-60-60- 247, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0845-60-60-24-7.