THE father of missing chef Claudia Lawrence is appealing for help from university students and staff returning to a city after the Easter holiday.

Detectives are now treating the disappearance of Miss Lawrence, 35, who was last seen five weeks ago in her home city of York, as suspected murder.

Her father, Peter, who has made regular appeals for Miss Lawrence’s safe return, has left messages on the websites of York University and York St John University.

He wrote: “I am sending you all this message as father of Claudia – one of your neighbours if you live in York’s Heworth area or use the Nags Head – and chef at the Roger Kirk Centre at Goodricke College on the University of York’s campus.

“Claudia’s disappearance coincided with the end of last term. On March 20, many students were already going home for the Easter.

“Most of you are only now returning, and the family will be most grateful if you will search your memories from the end of term and consider whether you saw Claudia after she left work, or whether you saw anything at all which you now consider was unusual or suspicious.”

Mr Lawrence apologised to students for recent searches of their rooms by police. He wrote: “I am sure you will realise that it had to be ascertained that Claudia was not there.

“Please accept our apologies for any intrusion you may have felt. Our concern is for Claudia’s wellbeing and safe return.”

Miss Lawrence has not been in contact with friends or family since about 8.30pm on March 18.

She was due to start work at 6am on March 19, but did not arrive.

Last week, Detective Superintendent Ray Galloway, who is leading the investigation, said he had not given up hope that Miss Lawrence was alive.

He revealed significant new lines of inquiry after information from the public.

He said one person reported seeing a man and a woman walking near York University between 6am and 6.30am on March 17 and March 19.

Another witness saw a man and a woman at 5.35am on March 19 as he travelled along Melrosegate, towards Heworth, where Miss Lawrence lives.

Anyone with information is asked to call police on 0845-60- 60-24-7 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800-555-111.