I WANT to acknowledge and thank you and your colleagues in the media for the vital role you have played in recent weeks in upholding the principles of open justice and transparency.

Since the shocking events in Southport on 29 July 2024 and the distressing scenes and rhetoric that we’ve subsequently witnessed on our streets, as well as played out on social media, the response of the criminal justice system has been scrutinised - and rightly so.

It’s important - now more than ever - that justice is not only being done, but that the public sees and hears about justice being done; that crime leads to punishment and that the consequences of criminal activity will apply, in spite of any wider challenges we face across the justice system.

I’m fully aware of the unfailing work that goes on behind the scenes of every news story, as court reporters follow cases through the system, attend and observe court hearings in person or online, request and verify details before independently and accurately reporting court business, in real time, often to very tight deadlines.

I’m hugely grateful to the joint work members of the media have undertaken with HM Courts & Tribunal Service (HMCTS) over the last few years, through its Media Working Group.

This open, collaborative approach has created significant improvements to the ways in which courts and tribunals provide information to journalists.

I know challenges remain in ensuring consistent levels of access and transparency, but HMCTS is committed to responding to the needs of the media, continues to listen and welcomes your feedback, as well as that of your members, associations and colleagues, to enable you to continue to provide this vital public service.

I’m grateful to you all for your efforts.

Heidi Alexander MP, Minister Of State.