A CONTROVERSIAL multi-million pound project to build up to 400 homes in open countryside has been backed by planning officials.

Stockton-based Southlands Management’s £30m plans for land off Wallnook Lane, on the outskirts of Langley Park, near Durham, will be recommended for approval by Durham County Council’s planners when they go before councillors next Tuesday (June 4).

In his report for the county planning committee, senior planning officer Henry Jones writes that the scheme is contrary to the Local Plan because the site lies outside any settlement boundary.

However, he argues that it would constitute sustainable development and can therefore be accepted.

Southlands is seeking outline planning permission for a maximum of 400 homes, of three, four and five bedrooms.

It says the land is identified as a preferred housing site in the County Durham Plan, more houses are needed in the area and the development would create a high quality inclusive and sustainable residential community.

A fifth of the new homes would be “affordable” and Southlands would contribute £400,000 to help revamp the village’s Old Rec, £100,000 for public art and environmental work and £70,000 for community facilities.

The firm estimates 38 full-time jobs would be created during the ten years it would take to build the estate and another 45 would be indirectly supported.

Further, the scheme would bring an annual economic boost of around £3m, helping to create around 30 retail jobs, and earn the council a £2.8m New Homes Bonus and around £500,000 a year in council tax.

However, the plans have encountered fierce opposition from residents unhappy about the scale of the project, its potential impact on local services and risk of flooding.

Villagers launched the Hands Off Langley Park’s Green Fields campaign, with nearly 500 people signing a protest petition.

Eighty-four people wrote to the council to object, along with Esh Parish Council.

But in his report, Mr Jones concludes the objections “are not considered to justify the refusal of the application”.

Councillors will debate the application at County Hall, Durham, on Tuesday, June 4, at 2pm.