A MINE worker remains in intensive care after being seriously injured while working at Cleveland Potash Limited last week.

The 41-year-old remains in a serious but stable condition at James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough following the incident at the mine in Boulby, east Cleveland on Friday, October 19.

The worker, who isn’t being named by CPL, remains in the intensive care unit where he is said to be conscious and lucid, although in some pain.

He will remain in the unit until such time as scans can take place to determine the extent and severity of his injuries.

Cleveland Potash Managing Director Phil Baines said: “We are in regular contact with the hospital to make sure that everything that can be done is being done. At the same time we are offering to help his family wherever possible.

“A thorough investigation was launched immediately and we will continue to work closely with the Mines Inspectorate.”

A spokeswoman from the Health and Safety Executive said: “We are aware of the incident and we are investigating.”