A SEAT dedicated to the memory of a local historian was unveiled today (Monday, October 22).

The bench, in Blackhill and Consett Park, has plaque on it in memory of Tommy Moore, former secretary of Derwentdale Local History Society.

This Thursday marks the third anniversary of the death of the 70-year-old former steelworker from Blackhill, Consett.

Former members of the society, which disbanded earlier this year, gathered in the park for the occasion to remember their friend.

Former chairwoman Greta Armstrong said: “There was no-one better at local history than Tommy.

“He kept it going for so many years it is incredible. He always did a very good job and kept people interested. He was a fantastic historian and it is fitting that his contribution should be remembered.”

Mrs Moore, Tommy’s widow, said he would be delighted with the seat.

She said: “He would be thrilled to bits and pleased so many from the society were here today.”