A MENTAL health centre has been boosted by a donation from one of a city’s oldest institutions.

The St Margaret’s Centre, on Margery Lane, Durham City, has been providing support and training for people recovering from mental illnesses since 1991.

Now the City of Durham Freemen has donated £7,000 to support the third and final phase of a £100,000 programme of improvements to its Old School House base.

John Heslop, chairman of the freemen’s wardens, said: “The freemen have been a key factor in the city’s trade and commerce since 1327 and are still able to make a significant impact on many sections of our community where help is needed.”

Howard Nicholson, development manager at St Margaret’s Centre, said: “The freemen’s gift has proved a catalyst in our quest for the £28,000 needed to pay for the final phase of the modernisation programme.

“There has been something of a chain reaction among other organisations who are promising to help.

“It leads us to believe we will ultimately be successful in getting what we need to finish the job.”

For more information on the centre, visit stmargaretscentre.co.uk