ACCIDENT investigators have published their findings following the death of a volunteer guard on a heritage railway.

Robert Lund, 65, was crushed between two coaches whilst working on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway at Grosmont in May this year.

The former police officer from Beverley, East Yorkshire, was a long-term supporter and volunteer with the railway.

He had just uncoupled two coaches when the accident happened.

In its report into the tragedy, the Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) said the guard had seen the steam locomotive reversing the uncoupled coach away from the stationary coaches and would have believed it was safe to go between the coaches and complete the uncoupling.

But the steam train changed direction because its screw reverser had moved from reverse gear to forward gear.

The driver applied the emergency brake as soon as he realised this, but there was “insufficient distance in which to stop and avoid trapping the guard who had moved back between the coaches to complete the work associated with the uncoupling.”

The RAIB found the train had changed direction because the reverser was not fitted with a mechanical latch to prevent it moving.

As a result of the report, the body has made a formal recommendation to the North Yorkshire Moors Railway that it should review its safety management arrangements covering shunting and implement improvements.

It also published two learning points to remind staff of the risks associated with unintended movements of screw reversers, and how this can be prevented, and safe working practices whilst undertaking shunting.

The railway said it has implemented safety and training improvements, and its thoughts are with Mr Lund's family.