A 11-year-old girl has rallied her friends and their fathers to join her in a sponsored bike ride in memory of her grandfather.

Millie Hope-Lester, who celebrates her 11th birthday tomorrow, (Monday, October 22,) was inspired to raise money for St Teresa’s Hospice, in Darlington, after she saw the care her grandfather, John Hope, received before his death three weeks ago.

Millie, a pupil at Mowden Junior School, was joined by seven of her friends and six of their fathers for a three mile bike ride around the Mowden and Baydale areas of Darlington on Saturday. (October 20)

Her mother, Alison Hope, said Millie arranged the whole event without any help and was determined to honour her grandfather as part of her birthday celebrations.

She said: “The whole thing was amazing, she has done so well. The hospice were amazed that this little girl has done this by herself, without any help from me at all.

“My dad died three weeks ago after a very sudden illness and the hospice was just amazing. Millie was there visiting her granddad up until the end and she just announced that she wanted to do something to give back to the hospice.”

So far Millie has raised more than £300 with her efforts, with more sponsorship money still to be paid.