A DOG found scavenging on road kill over the Durham Dales has died three weeks after she was rescued by an animal sanctuary. Border collie Beauty was discovered wandering the moors between Weardale and Derwentside last month.

Farplace Animal Rescue, in Westgate, near Stanhope, County Durham, took her in and when she was seen by a vet was diagnosed with advanced cancer.

The sanctuary launched a fundraising campaign to pay for her treatment but following medical advice she was euthanized this week.

Gareth Edwards, chairman of the trustees at Farplace, said: “Her cancer and other infections had spread a lot more and she was beginning to be in pain, lose interest in food, so we had to make the painful decision as advised by our vet.

“We were with her and holding her as she went and our vets Westway were very lovely.”

The sanctuary now plans to dedicate a barn that is being renovated to care for rescued animals to Beauty and people can continue to make donations in her memory towards the facility.

Mr Edwards said: “She really touched our hearts in the three weeks we were honoured to know and love her.”

To contribute visit farplace.co.uk