WITNESSES who saw a grandfather pepper sprayed by police today (Friday, October 19) told a jury he had not been acting aggressively.

They were giving evidence on the fourth day of an inquest into the death of Lenny McCourt, who died shortly after being arrested by police outside his home in Ash Terrace, Seaham, County Durham, on September 11, 2010.

Police had been called after the 44-year-old was reported shouting drunkenly in the street.

Neighbour Jamie Veitch said: “I saw police in the garden, Lenny was with them having a laugh.

“He seemed to be saying to them “Look at my muscles” and then flexed them them."

He added, one of the officers pepper sprayed Mr McCourt for “no apparent reason”.

Another neighbour, Trevor Pattinson said Mr McCourt had not appeared aggressive towards the police before he was arrested.

Mr McCourt was certified dead after a seven-mile drive to Peterlee Police Station.

An earlier hearing at Crook was told his death was caused by heart failure “precipitated by events which had occurred”.

The hearing continues on Tuesday.