A FAMILY is rallying around to support a grandmother who is undergoing treatment for breast cancer.

Seventeen-year-old Amy Herbert and her mother, Victoria, have dyed their hair pink to raise money for the Stand Up to Cancer event.

Amy’s fiancé, Dean Robson, 19, also joined in by having his hair shaved off at Joanne Christopher on Medomsley Road in Consett, today. (fri) Her grandmother, Janice Johnson, a retired special needs teaching assistant from White-le-Head, near Stanley, has undergone surgery and will be having a course of radiotherapy.

She said: “It is great that they are fundraising for a communal cause as cancer is such horrible disease that attacks so many different part of the body.”

The salon also sold tea, coffee and cup cakes to raise money for the cause and last week staff came towork in their pyjamas.