A GIANT metallic orb has been erected in York Minster underneath the Great East Window to display medieval stained glass that has recently been restored.

Visitors will be able to view five panes of stained glass taken from the Great East Window from Saturday, October 27 from inside the ten metre wide, three metre tall contemporary dome.

Four will be permanently on display and one will change each month during the Orb’s three year installation in the Minster.

The panels are the idea of British artist John Thornton.

The Acting Dean of York, Canon Glyn Webster said: "It is too easy for us to take for granted the amazing architecture and painting of the Great East Window.

“It is my hope that the superb restoration of the glass, undertaken by the York Glaziers Trust, will reveal anew the marvels of the window, designed and painted between 1405 and 1408 by John Thornton of Coventry.”

The installation of the Orb is part of York Minster Revealed, a five-year project supported by a £10.5m grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The 108 restored panels from the Great East Window will be reinstalled by the summer of 2016.