A CONVICTED murderer was back behind bars today for stabbing his best friend in the stomach during a row over cider.

Robert Summers knifed Sean Fowler at his home in Honey Way, Stockton, when he discovered all his booze had been drunk.

Mr Fowler was staying with the 65-year-old at his bungalow after being evicted from his home, Teesside Crown Court heard.

Jobless Summers – freed in 1998 after serving 25 years for a murder in Glasgow – has always denied the knife attack in May.

He claimed Mr Fowler had been stabbed by strangers at a shopping parade near his home, and he called 999 when he returned.

The victim also gave the false account to the police initially, but told the truth when he realised how badly injured he was.

The court heard how Mr Fowler suffers from flashbacks, anxiety and panic attacks and has endured sleepless nights.

He spent a day in intensive care after emergency surgery on his bowel and abdomen, and a further six days in hospital recovering.

Robert Mochrie, for Summers, said he feared dying behind bars after being recalled to prison on life licence after the stabbing.

“After his release in 1998, he remained offence-free, getting on with his life and not troubling the police,” said Mr Mochrie.

“He lived a simple life, walking his dog and living on his own . . . he became derailed by falling into bad company and drinking.”

The court heard how Summers was jailed for life in 1974 for battering to death a man and stealing his watch and cigarette lighter.

Jailing him for four years, Recorder Simon Phillips, QC, told him: “This was a very serious offence of wounding.”