A MAN threatened to stab people in the eyes with a screwdriver after he was refused service in a County Durham pub, a court heard.

Aaron Edward Jefferies, who has a longstanding alcohol problem, threatened and swore at staff and customers at the Post Boy, in Ferryhill on September 6.

John Garside, prosecuting at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates Court today (October 19), said: “The police were called and found the defendant asleep in a chair near the pool table.

“A search was conducted and a blue handled screwdriver was discovered in his pocket. He was woken up and arrested.”

Once awake, Jefferies, of Chapel Street, Hunwick, near Bishop Auckland, continued to act in an abusive manner, demanding police officers remove his handcuffs and fight him.

The 30-year-old pleaded guilty to a charge of using threatening and abusive words and behaviour. He also admitted stealing a bottle of wine, worth £5.79, from the Co-op in Tow Law on October 4.

Jonathan Harley, mitigating, said Jefferies’ offending stemmed from his alcohol problems.

Highlighting how the screwdriver was only referred to and not acutally produced, Mr Harley said: “He is not a man predisposed to acts of violence, but he is certainly a man who does not deal well with stress.

“At the time he was under a lot of stress, as he had put down a £700 deposit for a house in West Auckland but was no longer living there and was struggling to get the money back."

Magistrates sentenced Jefferies to 16 weeks in custody but suspended it for 18 months. During this time he will be subject to probation supervision.