TEMPERS flared tonight as residents voiced concerns at plans to create a fertiliser plant for food recycling waste within their community.

AWSM Farming Ltd, in the Teesdale village of Hutton Magna has submitted a planning application to build a fertiliser blending plant at its site, which lies between Barnard Castle and Richmond.

The business already offers farm waste disposal and collection services and other farm contracting work.

Environmental manager Louis Smith met with residents at Hutton Magna VIllage Hall this evening to explain the proposals.

However, despite promising to look into their concerns and claims of irregularities in the planning document, residents were left unimpressed by what they heard.

They raised a range of issues, including pollution, air quality, access to the site, smells and potential product leakage.

Resident Mark Henderson said despite promises from bosses that it would not happen, he believed the company would apply to sell the product within 12 months.

"We all know what conditions can be varied," he said. "The figures just don't add up."

Another resident Martin Walker added: "I am just concerned that what already exists on the site should be brought up to a better standard.

"Many of the things that have happened (at the site) have been unprofessional and looking forward we want things to be better."

Chairman of the meeting, Bill Brophy told the company: "I think overall you are getting the feel of what we think.

"People have genuine concerns about the quality of the life. We are not just nit picking."

Company boss Adam Metcalfe invited residents to visit the site to see the work taking place if the application is given the go-ahead.

He said: "We are proud of what we do and we will go away and look at everything that has been raised.

"We are trying to improve what we do."