A STUDENT who died in a tragic accident has left a lasting legacy – with his first novel about to be published posthumously.

James Jarvis, a 22-year-old from Stockton, was studying at York University and died in an abseiling accident in the city last July.

A postgraduate student at the university’s Centre for Medieval Studies, he was close to completing an MA in medieval history when he was found dead.

His mother, Philippa, said she knew James had been writing a book, but it wasn’t until after his death that she realised the full extent of his writing - with one book written on his computer and another four written out in long hand.

”It wasn’t a complete surprise as I know James had been writing a book ever since he was a teenager.” Said Mrs Jarvis.

“He had sent some sample copies of his work off to publishers and after his death we got letters back from a couple of publishers saying they were interested in printing his work.”

The five books make up a series called The Other World Chronicles and the first, The Midgard Knight, to be published by Teesside firm Quoin. It is expected to go on sale on October 29, priced £7.99.

The book is a fantasy adventure telling the story of a young man from York in his late teens who gets drawn into a world of magic. Mrs Jarvis said James took inspiration and advice from author Anthony Horowitz – another York alumni - who he met at a book signing.