THE closure of country roads in North-East to allow a major charity cycle race to take place caused chaos for residents and businesses, a tourist attraction has said.

Takings at Hall Hill Farm, in Lanchester, County Durham, were down 70 per cent on the day of the inaugural 78-mile Marie Curie Cancer Care Etape Pennines challenge earlier this month.

The 2,313 metres of climbs started at Ushaw College and took in the North Pennine hills with organisers claiming it puts the county firmly on the map as a premier cycling destination.

But the farm’s tourism manager, Ann Darlington, said: “We received many phone calls from people who did not know how to reach us, as there was no visible diversion in place.

“Visitors who did reach the farm complained bitterly about their long and tortuous journeys, and for many it completely spoiled their day."

Hall Hill Farm is on the B6296, which was closed for around 200 yards, and was one of many A and B roads closed so the event could be held safely.

Mrs Darlington said: “We received no prior warning of the bike ride and were unaware of the event until a neighbour actually on the route showed us a leaflet they received.

“I sincerely hope this was a one-off event, as the impact on local businesses and residents was totally unacceptable.”

Mrs Darlington said one elderly neighbour reached Satley Church, but was unable to find his way home for an hour, and there were reports of a bus, tanker and vehicles pulling trailers all heading down a road with no way of getting through.

Mrs Darlington said a milk tanker had to reverse for nearly a mile in order to turn around.

Terry Collins, corporate director of neighbourhood services at Durham County Council, which approved the road closures, said they had been organised and publicised well in advance.

He said: “The Etape race is a high profile sporting event and one which we were proud to support.

"However, we will clearly take on board the feedback from Hall Hill Farm so that we can try to avoid similar problems with any future events of this nature.”