HIT-AND-RUN victim Dave Kenvyn had salt rubbed into his wounds when police billed him for investigating the crash.

The court security guard suffered cuts and bruises when he was hit by a car as he was cycling to work in Middlesbrough.

The 49-year-old went to hospital to have his head injuries checked before starting his shift and reporting the accident to police.

When he investigated making an accident injury claim, he was told he needed confirmation from the police that the accident happened.

But two weeks later he was floored again – when a letter from Cleveland Police arrived requesting £86 for the inquiry.

The father-of-two said last night: “No way am I going to pay that, absolutely not. It’s a blooming disgrace, a scandal.

“Police demanding money to investigate whether the accident I reported had been reported to them? What on earth next? What happens if someone rings up to say they’ve been mugged? Do the police turn up and take a bit more from them?

“If a burglary victim gets cleaned out, are they asked, ‘do you have anything of value left because we need our slice, too’?

“I thought we paid our taxes for things such as this. I could not believe my eyes when I opened the letter and saw the bill.”

Cleveland Police described the policy as routine and a spokesman said: “It’s just something we do as a matter of course.”

The police letter asked for a £50 search fee and a further £36 to supply a copy of the accident report, should one be located.

Mr Kenvyn, from Ormesby, Middlesbrough, said: “If it wasn’t so serious it would be laughable. Talk about adding insult to injury.”

The accident happened when Mr Kenvyn, who is married, approached the junction of Ormesby Road and Crossfell Road on September 18.

He suffered injuries to his face, head and both legs, and said he could have been more badly hurt had he not been wearing a helmet.

A police spokesman said: “This is not a new policy. Any searches which are directed to the accident records department are chargeable.”