THE RSPCA is appealing for the owner of a cat attacked in east Durham to get in touch urgently.

Two dogs were set on the male long-haired tabby which was also beaten with a stick by youths in Warwick Place, Peterlee, at around 7.45pm on Tuesday.

He is now at the vets where he’s being treated for serious injuries including a broken sternum and ribs and severe bruising.

RSPCA inspector Kaye Smith said: “This cat is now at a veterinary practice receiving the treatment he needs but it is in a pretty bad way.

“Sadly, as he isn’t microchipped and wasn’t wearing any identification, we don’t know who he belongs to and are appealing for anyone who thinks he might be theirs to get in touch.

“We’re sure there must be someone out there who is missing him today.”

Two youths were seen setting two white terrier-type dogs on the cat. They are described as white males and around 14 or 15 years old.

Inspector Smith said: “I have no doubt this was a deliberate attack and I want to hear from anyone with any specific information about the youths responsible.

“They have caused a huge amount of suffering, and this cat is not out of the woods yet.

“If you know who they are, please, tell us so we can do everything in our power to stop them doing this to someone else’s pet.”

The cat’s owner and anyone with any information are asked to contact the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999 and leave a message for inspector Kaye Smith.