AN amateur dramatic society will be one of the first in the region to take on a production based on the true story of a Yorkshire Women’s Institute group who created a nude calendar to raise money for Leukaemia Research.

Richmond Amateur Dramatic Society director Lynne Kerr was keen to snap up the rights for Calendar Girls, based on the 2003 film starring Helen Mirren and Julie Walters, after they were released for a limited time to amateur companies.

She said: “It is a funny, clever, warm, moving and very well written play. We are very lucky to be able to perform in Richmond’s Georgian Theatre Royal, however, it does provide some problems with the nude scene because of the proximity of the audience.

We will have to do some clever positioning.”

She added: “Before we said we would definitely do it I contacted all the members to see if women would actually audition for the parts, and made sure they would be comfortable with the nudity.”

Cast member Wendy Morris, who plays Ruth, said: “My props weren’t ready when we last rehearsed the scene, so I still need to get it over with.

“I’m November, which involves a marmalademaking pan, oranges and various marmalade-making equipment to keep my modesty.”

Calendar Girls will be at the theatre from November 7 until November 10.

Tickets cost £6.50 to £12.50. Call 01748-825252.