A PROJECT to restore and strengthen flower-rich areas in the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) has received initial support from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF).

Staff behind the Nectarworks project now have to produce a detailed plan in order to apply for a full grant later this year.

The idea is to involve local communities in the scheme and focus on expanding rare flower-rich grassland.

Rebecca Barrett, project development officer for the AONB Partnership, said: “If we are successful with our full application, Nectarworks will enable us to work with farmers and smallholders across the AONB to conserve and enhance the very best areas of flower-rich grassland that remain.”

A survey carried out in the North Pennines in 2010 showed that flower-rich grassland was important for rare species such as the moss carder bee – and also highlighted the role gardens play in providing sources of nectar.

Through Nectarworks, the AONB Partnership plans to build on these findings by working with schools, local residents and volunteers to improve their grounds and gardens.

If the scheme gets secondstage support, Nectarworks will be launched next spring.