THE last big countryside event of the year gets under way this weekend with the mini Great Yorkshire Show celebrating the best of farming and rural life.

Countryside Live began ten years ago as the farming industry struggled to get back on its feet following the outbreak of foot-andmouth disease.

The event is organised by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society, which runs the Great Yorkshire Show, and its members hope it will go ahead after the Great Yorkshire Show had to be abandoned after a day because of flooding. This weekend, there are more than 3,000 entries in the sheep, cattle and horse classes with pigeons, poultry and honey also proving popular.

Show director Bill Cowling said: “Countryside Live began a decade ago with only 400 entries. Each year it has grown and is becoming an important fixture on the rural calendar.

Our aim is to stage an enjoyable event which appeals to all the family.”

Countryside Live is on Saturday, and Sunday, at the Yorkshire Showground, in Harrogate.