A SCHOOLGIRL and her mother have sacrificed their waist-length locks in aid of a charity which provides real-hair wigs for children suffering hair loss.

Eight-year-old Alice Raby, a pupil at St John’s C of E Primary School, in Darlington, and her mother, Lesley, have each donated about ten inches of their hair to the Little Princess Trust, which provides wigs for children across the UK who have lost their hair through cancer treatment.

Alice, who has had long hair all her life, read about the charity in a magazine and decided it was time for a new look.

She said: “I wanted to help other people my age who have cancer. It feels weird having short hair, but feels good to have helped other people.

“My friends have never seen me with short hair before, they won’t recognise me.”

Her mother, Lesley, 47, who also went for the chop, said: “I am very proud of Alice. You would not expect an eight year old to want to do something like this.

“I was quite nervous as it has been at least 13 years since I last had short hair but it is going to a good cause.”

Alice is also raising money for the Little Princess Trust and has so far raised more than £100.

To donate to her fundraising visit justgiving.com/lesley-raby