A GROUP which supports some of the region’s most vulnerable people has launched a major recruitment drive for volunteer drivers.

The Durham Social Resource Centre (SRC) operates a range of social care services across County Durham and Darlington.

One of its services is a health appointment car scheme, helping patients in east Durham and Sedgefield get to and from hospital, GP, dentist and other health appointments.

Currently, there are around 160 volunteer drivers.

However, demand is soaring and more drivers are needed, particularly in east Durham.

Rose Thompson, SRC’s head of service (transport), said: “Becoming a volunteer driver gives people – especially those who are unemployed or have been made redundant – more self-respect and a real purpose in making other people’s lives that little bit easier.”

Volunteers are given training including in first aid, safeguarding, child protection and fire prevention. For more information, call Rose Thompson on 01740-658881 or visit durhamsrc.co.uk