DOZENS of children have taken part in a sponsored toddle to raise awareness of a rare genetic disorder.

About 60 people, including 26 youngsters, took part in the event in Consett and Blackhill park, County Durham, on Saturday, to raise money for the Fragile X Society.

Fragile X Syndrome is a learning disability closely associated with autism.

The toddle was organised by the Smith family, of Leadgate, near Consett.

Their children Daniel, three, and Rosie, five, have full mutations of the condition.

Rosie, a carrier, has sleeping problems, while Daniel has experienced severe developmental problems.

Their mother, Sarah, said Saturday’s event had been a big success.

“The amount of support we’ve received has been overwhelming,” Mrs Smith added.

It is expected the event will have raised more than its £750 target for the Fragile X Society.

Mrs Smith, who runs Fragile X Support Group County Durham, thanked everyone who was involved, including Hazel Armstrong Limited for providing sweets and Gecko Distinctive Cakes for providing a cake to be raffled.

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