A TIME capsule was buried beneath the Transporter Bridge, in Middlesbrough, yesterday to mark the end of the structure’s centenary year.

The Centenary Time Capsule was buried beneath a newlyinstalled mounted pulley wheel outside the Transporter Bridge Visitor Centre.

The project was developed by mima’s creative apprentices, a group of arts enthusiasts with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The capsule included letters, photographs and memories reflecting the heritage of the area and it is hoped it will be reopened in 100 years’ time by another group of young adults.

Mima’s three creative apprentices have also produced a scrapbook filled with memories of the Transporter from the past 100 years.

Creative apprentice Alice Hornby said: “This is the very first project that myself and the other creative apprentices have worked on.

“The capsule is filled with things that we want young, creative people to find in 100 years’ time. We all feel like we are part of something amazing, that will influence people for years to come.”

Last year, the Heritage Lottery Fund confirmed a £2.6m grant for refurbishment and upgrade work to the Transporter Bridge, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in October 2011.