A PAPER girl is hoping to receive a national award.

Hannah Collier, 17, is one of three finalists in the news deliverer of the year category of the National Federation of Retail Newsagents Awards.

The Gateshead College dance student, from Blackhill, Consett, County Durham, has worked her paper round for Brian and Joan Bell, at B&J Retail, in Blackhill, for six years.

Her route, which she walks six days a week, takes up to an hour and she often gets up at 6am to finish in time for college.

She has been shortlisted in recognition of her professionalism and commitment. She looks out for her elderly customers and makes gifts for them at Christmas and Easter.

She said: “I was a bit shocked; I am really excited.

“I really enjoy talking to customers, giving them stuff and building up a relationship with them.

I’ve been with them a long time.”

The awards ceremony will be held at the Park Plaza Riverbank Hotel, in London, on Tuesday, October 23.