A PHANTOM fan has been planting cheeky kisses on the backside of a semi-naked chef logo in a deli window.

David Burrow, owner of The Nearly Naked Chef in Post House Wynd, Darlington, first noticed a perfect pink-lipsticked kiss on the chef’s bum about three weeks ago and says they have been appearing regularly ever since.

He said: “At first I thought somebody was having a bit of a laugh, that it was probably just a one-off drunken thing.

“But then when it happened again, and again, and again, I thought, we’ve got a bit of a phantom kisser here.”

Mr Burrow is taking it in good spirits and says he finds it hilarious that somebody is repeatedly visiting the deli at night to plant a smacker on the chef’s bum.

He said: “It has to be the same person because it’s the same luscious pink fulsome lips every time.

“At first I started cleaning it off straight after I’d taken a photo of it, but I’ve now tended to leave it on because it’s funny.

“It’s getting like the phantom Saltburn knitters – we’re all wondering who she is.”

Mr Burrow, who has owned the deli since March last year, said he was considering making a lipstick kiss a permanent feature of the logo.

“Little kids going past with their mothers always laugh because of the bare bottom. If we had the lips on it permanently, it makes it even more of a talking point.”

􀁧 Are you the phantom bum kisser, or do you know who she is? Call the newsdesk on 01325-505065.